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As of mid-May 52 have responded yes. Among those artists that will participate are 18 -22 year olds (soldier-aged artists), veterans of the Vietnam War who are visual artists, Philadelphia based artists, and artists based outside of Philadelphia. The work will range from small drawings and large-scale paintings to sound and media art. All kinds of strategies will be used that will reflect upon the original Operation Rapid American Withdrawal; techniques of resistance, movement through landscape, symbolic props, camaraderie and bigotry, introspection and community conversation, remembrance of the dead and soap box speechmaking, celebrity and nostalgia. The show will draw its power from contemporary artists’ personal re-imagination of the past. The documentary film made of the March entitled Different Sons: Vietnam Remembered (Jack Ofield: Producer-Director) will be shown as a projection loop. Ofield will also be a participant.

PARTICIPANTS TO DATE: Ron Abram, Amy Adams and Stefan Abrams, Terry Adkins, Sam Belkowitz, Shannon Bowser, Brian Brotman, Gerard Brown, Charles Burns, Mark Campbell, Candy Depew, Steve Donegan, Jessica Doyle, Joy Feasley, Susan Fenton, Sherman Fleming, Mattehw Fisher, Don Fox, Will Gabaldon, Sarah Gamble, Arthur Gonzales, Patrick Grugan, Susan Hagen, Carolyn Healy, Mary Henderson, M. Ho, Richard Hricko, Alex Hughes, Cathleen Hughes, Jane Irish, Jeanne Jaffe, Christianne Kapps, Juliana Espana Keller, Nick Kripal, Kit Layfield, Tristin Lowe, Gabriel Martinez, Karen Mauch, Sarah McEneaney, Kait Midgett, Susan Moore, Joshua Mosley, Jack Ofield, Sharyn O’Mara, Michael O’Rielly, John Philips, Tom Porett, Cynthia Porter, Andrew Prayzner, Janet Richard, Sarah Roche, James Rosenthal, Anne Seidman, Mark Shetabi, Larry Spaid, Paul Swenbeck, Clint Takeda, Ira Upin, Jeremy Vaughn, Tony Velez, Bill Walton, Natalie Weiters, Sarah Zwerling.


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